Shigella symptoms can be severe, and each year people die after getting this form of food poisoning from food served at a restaurant. You can use the form below to contact our Shigella lawyers about a money settlement.
Symptoms of Shigella food poisoning include the following:
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Possible bloody stool
- Fever
Recognizing the symptoms of Shigella infection to you and your family can be difficult because the illness’s symptoms are quite similar to many other gastrointestinal illnesses. Some people who have an infection never exhibit any symptoms. For most people it seems like any other case of gastrointestinal illness with abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and fever. In most mild cases, it is lumped in with other illnesses in the category we call the flu.
The first symptoms of a Shigella infection usually appear a day or two after initial exposure to the bacterium. Usually these symptoms will pass without treatment after about a week. In many cases, people with shigellosis will notice blood, pus or mucus in their stool. This, too, usually passes without treatment, but if you have a large amount of blood in feces, you should contact your family physician. After a case of Shigella infection, it may take two or three months for bowel movements to return to normal.
Legal Help after Hospitalization for Shigella Food Poisoning
Shigella can cause severe dehydration, hemolytic uremic syndrome (kidney failure), reactive arthritis and other medical problems. In these cases, hospitalization will be required, which means there will be medical expenses and time taken off of work. These cases also involve extreme physical pain and emotional distress. You and your family have the right to be compensated for this. If your child is sickened, your child also has the right to sue for compensation.
Most of our cases are against restaurants. You can click here now to contact our lawyers and get your free case review regarding a possible shigellosis lawsuit.