If you have suffered eye damage from taking Elmiron, contact our attorneys today at 1-888-377-8900 on contact us online
What is Elmiron
Elmiron (also known by its generic name Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium, or “PPS”) is a drug manufactured and sold by Janssen Pharmaceuticals (a division of Johnson & Johnson). Elmiron has typically been prescribed to treat bladder pain or discomfort associated with a disorder called Interstitial Cystitis (or “IC” for short). A few doctors have also prescribed it for osteoarthritis.
Eye Damage from Elmiron
- In 2017 the Emory Eye Center in Atlanta Georgia discovered that a new type of eye disease they were seeing was only being found in patients taking Elmiron.
- In 2019 The Interstitial Cystitis Network surveyed patients taking Elmiron and found that over half of them suffered from retinal damage.
These studies and surveys have linked Elmiron to cases of eye damage called Retinal Maculopathy, in which pigment in the eye is dangerously altered leading to vision loss. Because this specific type of eye disease is so new, sometime vision loss from Elmiron can be diagnosed as a variety of similar conditions, including…
- Macular degeneration
- Macular dystrophy
- Pattern dystrophy
- Pigment damage in your eye
- Retinal disease

Symptoms of eye damage from Elmiron can include…
- Blurred vision when you look straight at something
- Increasing difficulty reading even when wearing corrective lenses
- Difficulty seeing in dim light
- Dark spots or a dark blotch in the middle of your vision
- Colors are appearing less vivid
- Straight lines appear curved or wavy
Contact Pritzker Hageman About an Elmiron Lawsuit
Call us today at 1-888-377-8900 or text us at 612-261-0856
Click here to contact us online
The consultation is 100% free and you never pay anything unless we win for you.
Can I sue if my vision is damaged from Elmiron
There is evidence that the manufacturer of Elmiron, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, has known about a link between the drug they sold and eye damage for more than 20 years. If you have vision damage that occurred after you started taking Elmiron and you took Elmiron for at least six months, you may be eligible for compensation.
Elmiron Lawyers
Janssen Pharmaceuticals is responsible for selling a safe product and disclosing any risks to the public. Pritzker Hageman has won hundreds of millions of dollars for clients injured by defective medical products. We handle cases in every state. There are very few law firms that have our experience and record of success in complicated, high stakes cases. If you have eye damage from Elmiron, contact the Pritzker Hageman legal team and find out how we can help you get compensation and justice.