Two men were injured when a propane dryer exploded in Leslie Township, MI on July 24 igniting a fire that completely destroyed the home located at 1090 Vaughn Road. The men, who are brothers, were able to get themselves out of the home. One of them suffered minor injuries and helped his brother, who is in his 60s, escape. The severely injured man was in the basement near the dryer when the explosion occurred and suffered severe burns. He was airlifted to the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor, from Sparrow Hospital where he was initially transported.
When firefighters arrived on scene flames were shooting through the roof 20 feet in the air, Leslie Fire Chief Bruce Howe told WILX. Seven local fire departments responded to the call. Authorities have not yet determined why the dryer exploded, the investigation is ongoing.
Sources of Propane Explosions
A number of things can cause propane explosions. Propane storage tanks can explode when they are filled improperly or when a faulty line or valve fails. Household appliances powered by propane such as water heaters, ranges, stoves and dryers can explode due to faulty manufacturing or installation, improper venting or leaking lines, valves, and hoses.

Explosion Lawyers with Experience
The gas explosion lawyers at Pritzker Hageman have won multi-million-dollar settlements for people who were severely burned in blasts caused by propane (LP gas) leaks and pipeline breaches, including $10 million for one client who was severely injured. Eric Hageman and Fred Pritzker are our lead attorneys for these cases. Contact them for a free consultation about your explosion injuries at 1(888) 377-8900 (toll-free).
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