When an accident is caused by a drunk driver, the family has a wrongful death lawsuit and can sue the drunk driver and possibly a bar or restaurant where he consumed alcohol before the crash.
Because these cases can involve complex issues of law, it is important to hire a lawyer with experience who has obtained multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts. Attorneys Fred Pritzker and Eric Hageman and their team have won $10 million for a man who was severely burned, $6 million for a family with a wrongful death claim and dozens of other large recoveries for clients.

Below are some of the questions that need answers.
- Who was driving the vehicle?
- Why did the owner of the vehicle let an obviously drunk person (.204 BAC) drive it?
- What bars served the driver and owner alcohol and what state were these two in when it was served?
“They feel the pain you and your family are feeling and they fight for you.” –This is a quote by a father who lost his son and hired Fred and Eric to represent the family.
For additional information, please see the following:
- Lawsuit against a Drunk Driver and Bar
- Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Minnesota
- Who Can I Sue if I Was Hit by a Drunk Truck Driver?
Fatal Crash Caused by Drunk Driver Charged with Vehicular Homicide in MN
This fatal crash was caused by a drunk driver and, very probably, one or more bars that served him alcohol when he most likely in an obvious state of intoxication. This means the family of the man killed may have a lawsuit for compensation against the driver, the owner of the car and the bars under Minnesota’s dram shop law.
A tragic fatal crash on Highway 169 in northern Minnesota was most likely caused by a severely drunk driver who fled the scene, leaving an injured passenger, who was thrown from the vehicle, to die on the side of the road. A 39-year-old man from LaPrairie, MN, was charged in Itasca County District Court with criminal vehicular homicide.
Tragically, wrongfully killed in the crash was a 40-year-old man from Hill City, MN, who left behind a wife and 4 children.
A 48-year-old man from Hill City was allegedly a passenger in his own car. He stayed at the scene but did not call 911. He was also charged with abetting driving under the influence of alcohol and felony aiding and abetting criminal vehicular homicide and aiding.
The sad truth is that no matter what happens in these criminal cases, a family has lost a husband and father and there will probably not be adequate jail or prison time to exact any justice for this loss.