Our law firm is investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Muenchen infections that health officials have linked to alfalfa sprouts produced by Sweetwater Farms of Inman, Kansas. You may be part of this outbreak if you ate alfalfa sprouts served at a restaurant or sold at a grocery store before you got sick.
To date, CDC has confirmed reports of 13 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Muenchen from four states: Kansas (5), Missouri (3), Oklahoma (3), and Pennsylvania (2).
“Collaborative investigative efforts of state, local, and federal public health and regulatory officials indicate that alfalfa sprouts produced by Sweetwater Farms of Inman, Kansas are a likely source of this outbreak” (CDC).

Our Salmonella lawyers are investigating the Salmonella Muenchen outbreak that has sickened people in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. Contact our law firm about a lawsuit if you believe you were sickened by alfalfa sprouts. We are a national food safety law firm.
Salmonella Muenchen Outbreak Investigation
The investigation includes interviews of those sickened. To date, the ill people range in age from 18 years to 73, with a median age of 51. Ninety-two percent of ill people are female. Among 13 ill people with available information, 5 reported being hospitalized.
In the interviews, the people reporting illness answered questions about foods eaten and other exposures in the week before they became ill.
“Of the 12 ill people who were interviewed, 10 (83%) reported eating or possibly eating sprouts in the week before illness started. When asked about the type of sprouts eaten, nine (90%) of these ten ill people reported eating alfalfa sprouts. One ill person reported purchasing Sweetwater Farms brand alfalfa sprouts from a grocery store” (CDC).
Traceback investigations and Salmonella testing pinpointed Sweetwater Farms as the likely source of the outbreak, according to the CDC:
“State and local health and regulatory officials performed traceback investigations from five different restaurant locations where ill people ate sprouts. These investigations indicated that Sweetwater Farms supplied alfalfa sprouts to all five locations.
Laboratory testing isolated Salmonella from samples of irrigation water and alfalfa sprouts collected during a recent inspection at Sweetwater Farms. Further testing is ongoing to determine the type and DNA fingerprint of Salmonella isolated in these samples.”
Can I Sue Sweetwater Farms and a Restaurant or Grocery Store for Salmonella Food Poisoning?
Yes, you can sue Sweetwater Farms, and you may be able to sue a restaurant or grocery store, depending on several factors, including the laws of the state where the lawsuit is filed and the specific facts of your case. Your lawyer will need to help you determine the best state in which to file suit. Call 1-888-377-8900 (toll-free) to contact our Salmonella attorneys for a free consultation. Ask us if your case should be an individual lawsuit or part of a class-action lawsuit.