The Benton County Sheriff’s Office says that inattentive driving most likely caused a head-on crash on the 800 block of Little Rock Road Northeast in Watab Township, Minnesota. The accident happened at 1:10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 2016.
A Buick Regal, driven by 18-year-0ld Darin Turck, crossed the centerline of the two-lane road, hitting a Pontiac Grand Am driven a 36-year-old man from Rice, Minnesota. He had to be cut out of his car. Both of the drivers were taken to St. Cloud Hospital with serious injuries.
Little Rock Road Northeast is a straight, two-lane road with few intersections. The roads were dry at the time of the crash. The sheriff’s office is investigating the accident to see if any criminal charges for distracted driving will be assessed.
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