What Not to Eat if You Have Diabetes
- Raw or undercooked meat, poultry or seafood, including smoked fish that is not reheated.
- Unpasteurized (raw) milk and products, like cheese, made from raw milk.
- Raw or undercooked eggs.
- Raw sprouts.
- Unwashed fruits and vegetables.
- Produce that is bruised, looks old or is obviously damaged.
- Unpasteurized apple juice or cider.
- Soft cheeses, including Feta, Brie, Camembert, queso fresco, particularly if they are made with raw milk.
- Hot dogs and deli meats that have not been reheated.
- Refrigerated pâté or other meat spread.
- Any food needing refrigeration that has been unrefrigerated for over 2 hours, one hour if the air temperature is over 90°F.
- Food that is past its expiration or best-if-used-by date.
- Food that is sold in an unclean place.
- Home-canned food.
- Commercial canned goods that have dents, cracks or bulging lids.
Learn about diabetes and food poisoning.