At least 9 patients at University of Alabama Birmingham Hospital have tested positive for Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease, a severe form of pnuemonia, often referred to as Legionella pnuemonia. One visitor to the hospital has also tested postive.
The people sickened in this outbreak and the families of those who did not survive may have personal injury and wrongful death claims against the hospital. To get compensation and hold the hospital accountable, the evidence will need to prove that Legionella bacteria in the hospital’s water supply caused the illnesses. The only way to contract Legionnaires’ disease (Legionella pneumonia) is by breathing in water mist containing Legionella bacteria.
“I represented the family of a woman who died from Legionnaires’ disease after being a patient at a hospital. There were no other cases associated with the hospital,” said Fred Pritzker, a lead lawyer for our Legionnaires’ disease cases. “We obtained a settlement for the family because it was beyond question that during the majority of the time immediately prior to and during the incubation period (2 to 18 days), she was at the local hospital. In addition, our further testing of the hospital’s water supply found Legionella bacteria.”
You can call 1-888-377-8900 to contact Fred Pritzker and his Bad Bug Law Team.
Wrongful Death Claims against UAB Hospital
Legionnaires’ disease is often fatal. To date, 2 of the patients who tested positive have died. If these deaths were caused (even in part) by Legionella pneumonia contracted by breathing in tainted water mist at the hospital, the families have wrongful death claims against the hospital. This means they can sue the hospital for compensation.