Attorney Eric Hageman will chair the Minnesota Association for Justice’s Wrongful Death Seminar this Friday, February 28th. The seminar aims to teach plaintiff attorneys how to successfully represent families and provide emerging news in the field. It is one of the many seminars that the Minnesota Association for Justice (MAJ) provides to its members in an effort to keep Minnesota’s lawyers current and connected through seminars, conventions and institutes.
2014 will mark Eric’s third consecutive year as chairperson. In this capacity, Eric is tasked with ensuring the event features a diverse blend of speakers and topics. Reflecting on this experience Eric remarked:
“Wrongful death cases are typically very challenging and complex. In addition to the legal analysis required to prove negligence on behalf of the defendant, wrongful death attorneys must also ensure that they help their clients negotiate this exceptionally painful and grief-filled time.”
In years past, Eric has also served as an event presenter alongside Fred Pritzker. Together, Fred and Eric used case studies to demonstrate how to effectively proceed in handling wrongful death cases through a lecture entitled “The Anatomy of a Wrongful Death Case”