From April 6 to early this morning, 8 people have been killed on Minnesota roads. Some of the families have wrongful death claims, and can file lawsuits seeking compensation and justice.
The 8 deaths include 5 on Sunday, the deadliest day of the year. The Sunday fatalities included a three-fatality crash in Minneapolis and a motorcyclist, the second cyclist of the year (the first occurred April 4).
- 9:43 a.m., Saturday, April 6, on Hwy. 14 and Hwy. 42, east of Rochester, Olmsted County: A man was killed when his vehicle collided with another vehicle.
- 12:54 p.m., Saturday, April 6, on county roads 9 and 10, east of Rochester, Olmsted County: 32-year-old male was killed in a two-vehicle crash. No other information is currently available.
- 3:15 p.m., Sunday, April 7, on Lexington Ave. and Victoria St. in Shoreview, Ramsey County: 55-year-old female pedestrian was hit by a vehicle. No other information is currently available.
- 1:08 p.m., Sunday, April 7, on northbound I-94 at 49th Ave. in Minneapolis, Hennepin County: An 80-year-old female, 44-year-old female and 16-year-old male were killed in a three-vehicle crash.
- 6:03 p.m., Sunday, April 7, on Brooklyn Blvd. at Welcome Ave. in Brooklyn Park, Hennepin County: a motorcyclist was killed after he ran a red light and hit another vehicle that was in the intersection.
- 1 a.m., Mon. April 8, Brooklyn Center, Hennepin County: 23-year-old female killed when she ran off the road and hit a tree. No other information is currently available.

Not every fatal accident gives rise to a wrongful death claim. However, even if the police, sheriff’s office and/or Minnesota State Patrol determine that the person who died was at fault, an independent investigation into the accident by experienced lawyers can find evidence that another driver was at fault. In 2011, attorneys Fred Pritzker and Eric Hageman were named Minnesota “Attorneys of the Year“ for winning such a case. The Minneapolis Police report stated the woman who died was at fault. However, Fred and Eric found evidence that the semitrailer driver was at fault and won $2,500,000.00 for the family.
“It is always a good idea to contact a lawyer after a loved one is killed in an accident,” says Fred, who provides free, no-obligation case reviews for families. “Justice needs to be done, even in difficult cases.” You can contact our lawyers for a free consultation HERE.
These fatal accidents are also a reminder to drive safely. “These tragic deaths need independent investigations,” says Lt. Eric Roeske of the Minnesota State Patrol. “The people who lost their lives in these crashes are the reasons we all need to take the task of driving seriously and make safe decisions behind the wheel.”
We agree with Lt. Roeske and urge you to buckle up, not text or talk on your cell phone while driving, and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. For additional information, please see the following: