The Western Upper Peninsula Health Department is investigating an E coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to a Houghton, Michigan restaurant. Four of the people sickened were hospitalized.
Can I Sue a Restaurant for Food Poisoning?
We recently settled an E. coli O157:H7 case from an outbreak linked to another restaurant. As a result of the E. coli infection, our client developed thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which caused renal failure and other serious health complications.
“The restaurant is legally responsible for the suffering of the people sickened in this outbreak,” said Fred Pritzker, lead attorney for our E. coli lawsuits. “It is important for the families not bear the financial burdens of these illnesses.” Victims and their families can contact Fred and his E. coli litigation team for a free consultation.
Those sickened became ill over the Christmas holidays. Initially, 3 local and 2 non-local cases were identified. The outbreak investigation led to the identification of two additional cases.
“Such an investigation is a routine part of health department operations,” said Dr. Teresa Frankovich, M.D. “The cases came to light earlier this month and health department staff have been conducting interviews with the ill individuals to look for exposures they might have in common. All of the cases have now been linked through the restaurant.”
One of the major sources of E coli contamination is ground beef; however, other sources include consumption of unpasteurized milk and juice, sprouts, lettuce, and salami, and contact with cattle. This organism is also easily transmitted from person to person. In this case, health officials believe a food handler with E. coli spread the illness to the outbreak victims.

We are a national E. coli lawsuit law firm that has won millions for E. coli victims, including victims from Michigan and Wisconsin. Our hemolytic uremic syndrome lawyers recently won $7.5 million at trial for one young client and her family.
E. coli Outbreaks Involving Restaurants
- In 2017, we filed a lawsuit against Damsy restaurant for a child with E. coli poisoning. Others were also sickened in the outbreak.
- A 2016 E. coli and HUS outbreak at a restaurant was caused by flour that had been contaminated. Thirteen people were sickened, and two of them developed E. coli-HUS kidney failure.
- In 2016, the Matador restaurant was associated with an E. coli outbreak that sickened seven people, five of them from King County, WA.
- In 2013, Jimmy John’s was connected to E. coli food poisoning cases. Eight people were involved.