Law Firm Represented Child from Maine Sickened with E. coli-HUS
Update: Our lawyers won this Maine E. coli case for our young client and his family. You can contact our lawyers about this case, which was E. coli lawsuit settled for a confidential amount. The outbreak happened in 2009. You can contact our law firm if you or your child were sickened in a recent outbreak of illness. We have won many multimillion-dollar settlements for clients since 2009, including $4.5 million on behalf of a woman with E. coli kidney failure.
Attorney Fred Pritzker was retained to represent the family of a five-year old boy from Auburn, Maine who contracted hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) as a result of eating ground beef tainted with E. coli O157:H7. The boy’s illness, for which he was hospitalized for three weeks, has been affirmatively linked to the Fairbank Farms outbreak, which resulted in the recall of approximately 545,699 pounds of ground beef products because of potential E. coli O157:H7 contamination.
According to a November 13, 2009 story in The New York Times, Fairbank Farms succumbed to pressure from its beef suppliers and inexplicably stopped testing all of its ground beef ingredients. According to the company, those procedures are now being re-evaluated. Unfortunately, that move comes too late for our client, as well as for the two people who have died and the people who have been sickened in the outbreak.
As national food safety attorney Fred Pritzker notes, “the needless suffering of the people sickened in this outbreak only serves to underscore the need for more stringent testing in the meat industry.” Pritzker supports the legislation currently under consideration to require regular testing in meat plants.